About Us

Celebrating the Ancient.

Changing the Present.

Calling forth the Future.

Emmanuel Fellowship exists to bring honor and glory to God in all that we think, say, and do, not only in our worship service but also in our lives on a day-by-day basis.  Where ever we are and whatever we do, Christ is with us – Emmanuel.  We have His presence (2 Cor 4:7) which makes us carriers of God’s love, forgiveness, and message of reconciliation.  We strive to be a living expression of Christ’s life and love declaring His kingdom and His power for the transformation of human lives.  St. Francis of Assisi may have said it best: “Preach the gospel at all times; if necessary, use words.”

Emmanuel Fellowship esteems the Holy Scripture in affirming the critical importance of preaching, public reading of the Word, and personal Bible study. We believe being a Christian is a lifestyle based upon a committed relationship with Jesus Christ. Both the Apostles’ Creed and the Nicene Creed are sufficient declarations of our beliefs.

Emmanuel Fellowship is liturgical/sacramental in worship. We highly value the Sacraments of the church as they are vital for worship and have been preserved and practiced through the centuries. As a part of our spiritual life we celebrate Holy Communion on a weekly basis and we anoint with oil and pray for the sick in our services. We also use the Anglican form of worship found in the Book of Common Prayer but we are relaxed enough for God to have His way through us.

Emmanuel Fellowship is Charismatic. We believe in the full work of the Holy Spirit as baptizer and the giver of gifts for the church, the one who leads us in all truth, and who actively works to make us more Christ like.

Fr. Mitchell Baker

Fr. Mitchell Baker

Epic is another way to describe Emmanuel Fellowship.  The message  of the Kingdom of God is timely and timeless. We as a church should be experiential—experiencing Christ in our day to day lives, not only in the worship service. We should be Participants within the worship service. Liturgy is the holy work of the people.



 As Christians we should endeavor to participate with Christ in touching the world about us. We see the gospel presented through Images within the church. The candles, the altar arrangement, and the Eucharist (another name for communion) proclaim the love of God for His people. We are all called to be Christ-like in our actions and to love one another. As a church we are called to be connected to one another because true Christianity is based upon relationships. We are also connected to the community in which we live. It is our mandate to touch and affect our communities because changed lives change communities.



Emmanuel Fellowship recognizes that we live in a society in which many consider church merely a social activity.  We seek to see people brought back to the giver of Life.  We desire to see restoration and transformation of lives that in turn will impact and change this community and the world. We are all a work in progress, and we grow in Christ together with great joy.  There is no greater privilege the Gospel brings than the promise of making us children of God, brothers and sisters with Jesus Christ and with one another. We are a part of God’s family!  This is the heartbeat of our life and ministry together.

Emmanuel Fellowship is trans-denominational. We stand as a bridge between the protestant and catholic formulations of faith, our basic beliefs stand square on the essentials of orthodoxy (i.e., “that faith which has been believed everywhere, always, by all”) as embodied in the great houses of Christian faith.  We are a communion where every believer can worship. Regardless of your church background, we believe you will find something that will enhance your worship experience.